Mobile Application Penetration Testing

Are you concerned about the security of your mobile applications?

Identify potential security risks and vulnerabilities that could harm your users or your business.
Stay one step ahead with our service.

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Mobile applications have become an integral part of our daily lives.

In fact, we rely heavily on these apps for everything from communication to entertainment and financial transactions. However, as the use of mobile applications has increased, so has the risk of security breaches and cyber-attacks. This is where mobile application penetration testing comes in. Mobile application penetration testing is a crucial process that involves identifying and assessing the potential vulnerabilities of your mobile apps. It helps you identify potential security risks and vulnerabilities that could potentially harm your users or your business. Ensuring your mobile applications are secure and reliable is essential for protecting your users and maintaining your business’s reputation.

What we do

Here are our comprehensive services on Android and iOS platforms:

  • Mobile Application Vulnerability Assessment (MAVA);
  • Mobile Application Penetration Testing (MAPT);
  • Advanced Mobile Application Penetration Test (AMAPT).

Those are proactive processes for assessing the security state of mobile applications by simulating real attacks to evaluate how the applications interact with both the device and back end services.

As a result, the goal is to identify vulnerabilities, classify them according to internationally approved standards, assess their potential impact, and provide recommendations to solve them.

Vulnerability Assessment that allows to cover a wide range of vulnerabilities and has been described by the OWASP mobile Top 10. In detail, using an automated approach, Android and iOS applications carry out static tests outlined in the OWASP Mobile Application Security. Testing Guide (MASTG) are carried out for A, to identify configuration, security and/or code quality issues, relating to multiple categories including: Encryption, Communication Channels, Authentication, Code Quality and Data Storage;

An in-depth manual and interactive approach allows for the identification of vulnerabilities that automated tools might miss. This method evaluates both device and back end interaction issues.

An advanced manual and interactive approach, which focuses on evaluating the security measures used by applications, including security frameworks and RASP solutions.

Meet our experts

How we do it

Two main types of analysis

Security and reliability of Mobile Applications

Our team of experienced testers uses the latest tools and techniques to identify and exploit vulnerabilities in your mobile applications. Therefore, we focus on manual testing techniques, including reverse engineering, with the aim of bypassing any security controls implemented by security frameworks or ad-hoc written features. We develop two main types of analysis:

  • Static: analysing the application and its artefacts without running it.
  • Dynamic: testing the application at runtime and then evaluating device/emulator interactions as well as back ends services (e.g., API).
The Methodologies

Be one step ahead the attackers

The OWASP Mobile Top 10 is a list of the most critical vulnerabilities for mobile applications. However, it is important to consider these vulnerabilities during the mobile application penetration testing process. In fact, our testers are trained to focus on the OWASP Mobile Top 10 vulnerabilities, following the OWASP MASVS controls and OWASP MASTG as testing guide, to ensure that we cover all potential security risks.

These vulnerabilities include insecure data storage, insecure communication, insecure authentication, insufficient cryptography, etc. Above that, we also provide detailed reports on the vulnerabilities identified, including their potential impact and recommend appropriate remediation measures to address them.

In case security testing is extended to the mobile app back end and vulnerabilities described in the OWASP Top 10 Web, OWASP Top 10 API will also be considered, including: broken access control, injection, security miss-configuration, vulnerable and outdated components, server-side request forgery, etc.


Our experience on security application testing

The skills of our testers allow us to go beyond the standard techniques used in mobile application penetration testing, such as reverse engineering and in-depth static and dynamic analysis. For instance, our testers are highly experienced in identifying vulnerabilities that are often overlooked by automated tools, including Runtime Application Self-Protection (RASP). This is s a security technology that uses runtime instrumentation to detect and block attacks in real time. Through extensive testing and research, our testers have developed techniques to bypass RASP and identify vulnerabilities that are critical to the security of your mobile applications.

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